Surfing & Yoga in Portugal
Yoga and surfing are a perfect match, because the essential requirements for surfing are the same as for yoga:
– Balance
– Coordination
– Flexibility
– Control
– Strength & Endurance
Accompanying the surf lessons you can participate in 2 daily yoga sessions each morning and afternoon. The yoga classes will take place in our beautiful garden, the wooden deck patio or the pool area surrounded palm trees. Always with panoramic views over the wide ocean. If it should be too uncomfortable for yoga outside, you can find enough space in the house.
As our yoga instructors also surf, they know exactly what is important in the symbiosis between yoga and surfing and have set appropriate priorities in their exercises.

Yoga before surfing
Apart from waking up in the morning it is important to warm up muscles and ligaments and to soften them for the exercises in the waves. Yoga helps to get smoothly the circulation going and start the day fit and fully motivated.

Surfing and yoga at the water
For the Soul Surfers among us surfing is like yoga on water. They experience, similar to the yoga on land on the mat, a sensation of getting into complete harmony with the surrounding elements of mother earth.
The tranquility and peace that one feels when sitting on the surfboard on a sunny and quiet day in the ocean looking towards the horizon while you glide gently with the waves up and down. No worries on your mind. The gaze directed solely towards the oncoming waves, in order to start paddling at the right moment, jumping on the board and riding the right wave in flowing and harmonious movements. The subsequent feeling of happiness and satisfaction inspires you to paddle straight back to the line-up and keeps you happily waiting for the next amazing wave, allowing you to walk over water…
These simple but deeply touching moments and experiences of the harmony of body, mind and nature is what we want to offer you by combining yoga and surfing.

Yoga after surfing
Now appropriate yoga exercises help to relax yourself and your body. The muscles and ligaments are stretched again in order to start the recovery process actively and accelerate it.
Yoga does not only prepare for impending physical stress but also helps you relax again. In addition yoga also promotes the self-control. By controlling the breath and focusing the mind you can easily overcome any fear and face the waves of the ocean full of self-confidence and awareness. You will feel it!
Also more and more professional surfers, such as the 11-time world champion Kelly Slater and even more amateur surfers find pleasure in the combination of yoga and surfing, as it will help their performance in the water and to continually improve their well-being.