Yoga Basics

    What is Yoga about?

    Yoga is an Indian philosophic theory, which consists of several different mental and physical exercises. The roots of yoga lie in India, dating back more than 6.000 years.

    Yoga can be considered as a spiritual path, which can take one to a higher spiritual or religious stadium. Today yoga is commonly practices as a relaxation and fitness technique. A sequence of physical exercises and figures, breathing exercises and meditation aim to reduce stress, to relax and to improve coordination and agility of the body.

    Yoga means, among other things, “unity” and refers to the interaction of body, mind and soul. Yoga is one of the six classical schools of Indian philosophy and means:
    We train our bodies holistically!

    A major advantage of yoga is that you get through regular practice a strong physical and mental equilibrium. Practicing twice a day you will soon feel amazingly well and blissed!
    This balance and strength is not only important to prevent injuries or illnesses, but also to improve the existing body sensation, physical and mental fitness as well as your own performance.

    Yoga and Health

    Yoga exercises improve:

    – Flexibility & agility
    – Joint mobilization & strength of the muscles
    – Balance & coordination
    – Posture & correction of faulty posture
    – Endurance & stable circulation
    – Development of “lightness” & free energy flow
    – Higher efficiency & convalescence (faster recovery)
    – Increased ability to concentrate & determination
    – Control of breathing & higher lung capacity

    All characteristics that will help starting to surf and facing the ocean’s waves.
    The wonderful thing about yoga is that you can feel immediately after the first sessions the positive effects and it doesn`t matter on which level you do the exercises. It doesn`t matter how flexible you are and if you haven’t achieved to do the difficult Yoga figures perfectly. You will instantly feel the bliss and learn the movements and figures, and gradually perfect them!

    Yoga Types

    The most common yoga types are:

    – Hatha Yoga
    – Iyengar Yoga
    – Ashtanga
    – Kundalini Yoga
    – Power Yoga

    There are other Yoga types, like those listed here and which in some parts overlap or have fluent transitions.
    Ideally, you look at yoga holistically and perform the exercises of all types of yoga and manage a balanced development of body, mind and soul.


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